What makes organic coffee your best choice? All you need to know about organic coffee

Organic coffee is great because it is environmentally friendly, healthier, has a better flavor, and above all supports small farmers who use sustainable farming methods. Those are only a few reasons to switch from regular to organic coffee and if you are looking to know everything to make a informed decision keep reading.

What we’ll cover in this article:

  • What is organic coffee?
  • How organic coffee certifications are granted?
  • Why organic coffee is environmentally friendly?
  • Health benefits of organic coffee.
  • Why organic coffee has better flavor?

What is organic coffee?

Organic coffee is coffee that is grown and processed using farming methods that avoid the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and other harmful chemicals. It is produced using environmentally sustainable practices that promote soil health, conserve water, and protect wildlife. To be truly an organic coffee it needs to be certified by organizations that will verify that it meets specific organic standards. By choosing organic coffee, consumers can support sustainable agriculture and reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals.

How organic coffee certifications are granted?

Organic coffee certifications are granted by organizations that verify that coffee producers and processors meet specific organic standards. The process of obtaining organic certification varies by country and certifying organization, but generally, it involves the following steps:

  • Application: Coffee producers or processors apply for organic certification from an accredited certifying organization.
  • Inspection: The certifying organization conducts an on-site inspection of the farm or facility to verify that it meets organic standards.
  • Review: The certifying organization reviews the inspection report and other documentation to determine if the farm or facility meets organic standards.
  • Certification: If the farm or facility meets organic standards, the certifying organization grants organic certification, which allows the coffee to be labeled and sold as organic.
  • Annual Renewal: Organic certification is typically valid for one year, and coffee producers and processors must undergo annual inspections and reviews to maintain their certification.

Although standards vary generally organizations require the use of environmentally sustainable practices that avoid the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and other harmful chemicals. Organic certification also typically requires the protection of soil health, conservation of water resources, and protection of wildlife.

Farm & Forest Organic Coffee is certified by OCIA International, one of the world’s leading organic certification agencies, and requires that its producers and processors strictly adhere to organic standards. These standards ensure that no chemicals or non-natural fertilizers have been applied to fields, pastures, orchards, or vineyards for three years prior to harvest. That operations have been annually inspected by an independent inspector and are subject to unannounced verification inspections at any time. To present detailed records of each operation’s practices and processes have been kept and submitted for an annual certification review.

Looking for your next best cup of coffee? Browse our selection of organic roasted coffee!

Why organic coffee is environmentally friendly?

As we covered before organic coffee is environmentally friendly because the farming practices and no use of synthetic and harmful chemicals. Here are some other specific ways in which organic coffee is environmentally friendly:

  • Promotes soil health: Organic coffee production uses methods that promote soil health, such as composting and crop rotation, which can improve soil fertility and reduce erosion.
  • Conserves water: Organic coffee production can use less water than conventional coffee production because it often relies on shade-grown coffee, which requires less irrigation.
  • Protects biodiversity: Organic coffee production can promote biodiversity by providing habitat for wildlife and by avoiding the use of harmful chemicals that can harm or kill wildlife.

Overall, by avoiding harmful chemicals, promoting soil health, conserving water, and protecting biodiversity, organic coffee production is more environmentally friendly than conventional coffee production.

Health benefits of organic coffee.

There are several potential health benefits associated with organic coffee, here are some of the potential health benefits of organic coffee:

  • Rich in antioxidants: Organic coffee is rich in antioxidants, which are compounds that help to protect against cellular damage and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
  • Lower risk of pesticide exposure: Organic coffee is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, which means that it is less likely to have harmful effects on human health that may be associated with pesticide exposure.
  • Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes: Some studies have suggested that coffee consumption, including organic coffee, may be associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Improved cognitive function: Some research has suggested that caffeine, which is present in coffee, may improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  • Improved physical performance: Caffeine may also improve physical performance by increasing endurance and reducing fatigue.

It's important to note that the potential health benefits of organic coffee are not yet fully understood, and more research is needed to confirm them. Additionally, it's important to consume coffee in moderation, as excessive consumption may have negative health effects.

Why organic coffee has better flavor?

Many people believe that organic coffee has a better flavor than conventionally grown coffee, and this can be due to several reasons:

  • Better Soil Quality: Organic coffee is grown using methods that promote soil health, such as composting and the use of natural fertilizers. This results in a healthier soil profile that can lead to better tasting coffee beans.
  • No Synthetic Chemicals: Organic coffee is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can leave residues on the coffee beans and can negatively affect the taste of the coffee. By avoiding these synthetic chemicals, organic coffee is less likely to have an artificial or chemical taste.
  • Shade Grown: Many organic coffee farmers grow their coffee under a canopy of trees, which provides a more natural environment for the coffee plants. The shade-grown coffee plants can develop more complex flavors due to a slower maturation process, which results in a better-tasting coffee.
  • Sustainable Farming Practices: Organic coffee is often grown using sustainable farming practices, which can result in higher-quality coffee beans. By avoiding practices such as monoculture farming and using natural pest control methods, organic coffee farmers can create a more diverse and sustainable ecosystem for their coffee plants.

Overall, organic coffee has a better flavor due to a combination of factors, including better soil quality, the absence of synthetic chemicals, shade-grown farming practices, and sustainable farming methods.


To summarize, organic coffee is an excellent choice for those who are environmentally conscious, health-conscious, or just looking for better-tasting coffee. It is grown and processed using environmentally sustainable practices, avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals and promoting soil health, water conservation, and wildlife protection. Overall, by choosing organic coffee, consumers can support sustainable agriculture and reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals while enjoying a delicious cup of coffee.

At Farm & Forest, we are craft roasting specialty grade, Organic Certified coffees from some of the world’s finest growing regions at our Carbon Neutral Roasting works, nestled near the shores of the Pacific Ocean with mountain views. We are committed to having a positive impact on climate action through the direct sourcing of sustainable coffees from around the world and deliver you a flavorful selection of organic roasted coffee to your house.

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